PPP blog – following big production in Grimsby by Katie Byford I was daunted by the prospect of returning to the project. I had been up to some pretty amazing things in our 10 month break. However, these activities were not dance related, which elevated my anxieties around returning to the project. Due to being […]
Project updates
Here you’ll find updates about the project.
Blog Posts
Katie’s blog 1
PPP blog – following the summer in Freiburg by Katie Byford When I first came across the audition advertisement for People Power Partnership (PPP) mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed I thought, this is too good to be true. A chance to create, perform, network, and travel at only the cost of my time? […]
2 Sell out shows in Grimsby!
On the 21st and 22nd July, two sold out audiences witnessed People Power Partnerships UK Premiere of FACE T(W)O in Grimsby, as local and international artists, partners and young people came together to provide two nights of extraordinary free entertainment, escapism and reflection. As the sun set over Grimsby, audiences of all ages flocked to […]
The ‘Big Production’ Premieres in Freiburg
Early September saw the team from Magna Vitae & North East Lincs Council visit the HQ of PPP project leaders, Pan Optikum, in their home city of Freiburg, Germany. The team travelled over for various audience development workshops and partners meetings but, most importantly, to attend the world premiere of the Big Production for the […]