Category project news

Katie’s blog 2

PPP blog – following big production in Grimsby by Katie Byford I was daunted by the prospect of returning to the project. I had been up to some pretty amazing things in our 10 month break. However, these  activities were…

Katie’s blog 1

PPP blog – following the summer in Freiburg by Katie Byford   When I first came across the audition advertisement for People Power Partnership (PPP) mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed I thought, this is too good to be true.…

2 Sell out shows in Grimsby!

On the 21st and 22nd July, two sold out audiences witnessed People Power Partnerships UK Premiere of FACE T(W)O in Grimsby, as local and international artists, partners and young people came together to provide two nights of extraordinary free entertainment,…

A Summer of Rehearsals in Germany

The next phase of the project saw our dancers travel over to Freiburg, Germany to rehearse for the Big Production. This time around, 4 groups of dancers come together to create a new piece of physical theatre. This production is…

Freiburg team welcomed to Grimsby!

Following successful auditions back in November 2021, the selected dancers welcomed the dance team from Freiburg to Grimsby in March 2022. Together, they created a bespoke physical theatre piece with expert leadership from the creative team at Pan Optikum. The…

Successful Auditions in Grimsby

People Power Partnership (PPP) have chosen their eight unique individuals, aged 18-30, who have expressed their passion for dance. This is a joint venture with numerous international organisations from across Europe over the next three-years. PPP is a physical street…

New Audition Dates!

We finally have new auditions dates! Hurrah! After the many many postponements we’d unfortunately had to have (thanks COVID!) we are thrilled to finally be back on track. Now that its safe for the project leaders, Pan.Optikum, from Germany to…


Following the government’s announcement on Monday 14 June concerning COVID-19 and the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the new Covid variant, which is having a substantial effect on international travel restrictions, we have made the decision to postpone the auditions, due to take place…